Types of Analyses
CedarStone Actuarial believes in high quality communication and ensures the finest actuarial services. Our expertise allows us to serve a variety of clients in an efficient manner. Below are a few of the analysis offered.
Estimation of Outstanding Losses
Using traditional actuarial methods, ultimate values are first established. Outstanding losses are then estimated by subtracting out the values that have already been paid.
Ultimate values for future years are estimated. Company specific historical data is fit to a distribution and projected forward to a predetermined number of years.
Projection of Future Liabilities
Our actuaries are Qualified per NAIC guidelines to issue year end statements of actuarial opinions including Statements of Actuarial Opinion and the Actuarial Opinion Summary.
Statement of Actuarial Opinions
This is a broad category for assessing the viability of a business change. This includes formation of a captive, changes in retention, inclusion of an insured into an already existing program, changes in claims handling, and many more. We want to partner with you to help your company succeed.
Feasibility Studies
We provide our clients with key descriptors of their book of business. This includes things like, severity, frequency, and loss ratios. CedarStone highlights trends and changes in these to help keep our clients moving in the right direction.
Descriptive Analytics
Based on a selected loss development pattern, CedarStone can estimate how much is paid out in future months, quarters and/or years.
Payout Patterns
A range of results surrounding outstanding value estimates can be found using methods like scenario testing assumptions, Mack's method, simulation, and more. Ranges give companies flexibility and more autonomy when booking numbers.
Range of Reasonable Results
Using distributions, CedarStone can estimate outstanding liabilities for future calendar years that take into account impacts of changes in retention levels, severity, frequency or other business changes.
Loss Forecasting
Diversifying your book of business is an effective risk management tool. We can help measure the impacts of this on the estimated outstanding values.
Impacts of Diversification
The majority of analysis can have results shown at various confidence intervals. This gives each company more flexibility to book numbers that align with their risk appetite.
Confidence Intervals
CedarStone will find peer companies that will represent the unique portfolio of your programs. Their data will either replace company specific historical data (for those with lack of credible data) or can be used to benchmark results against.
Benchmark Analysis
While all analyses take into account historical reinsurance or self-insured retentions, CedarStone can help analyze the impacts of changing reinsurance structures or retentions. We can help determine the best fit to save money while maintaining an ideal risk appetite.
Retention Evaluation

Lines of Business
Each lines of business brings its own unique challenges. Listed below are some current lines managed by CedarStone.

Who We Serve
Our clients are the backbone of CedarStone.
We are invested in helping you succeed.
Points of Contacts
Risk Managers
Chief Financial Officers
Chief Executive Officers
Underwriting Managers
Claims Managers
Audit Firms
Insurance Carriers
Self-Insured Entities
Government Entities
Captive Insurance Companies
Risk Pools